
  • Why You Should Learn This Design Principle 

    Why You Should Learn This Design Principle 

    Thanks to the cult of Apple and other companies with slick products or presentation, it’s become stylish to talk about applying “design principles” to other disciplines. But according to designer Rie Nørregaard, the key design lesson we should all learn is one that many designers are still learning themselves: designing for more than the “default”…

  • Is It Possible To Engineer A Truly Blue Flower? 

    In nature, blue is much rarer than you might think. Sure, the sky is blue when the weather’s nice, and so is the ocean. But the vast majority of plants and animals are incapable of making blue pigment. Brilliantly-coloured peacocks appear blue not because their feathers are coloured that way, but because of how they…

  • This Is How A Rotary Engine Works

    The rotary engine was patented in 1929 by German engineer Felix Wankel, and it could not be more different to the piston engines that exist in most of the cars on the road today. This neat video breaks down the essentials.