
  • These Are the Hottest Emojis Aussies Are Flirting With

    These Are the Hottest Emojis Aussies Are Flirting With

    Have you ever used emojis to flirt with someone on a dating app? Maybe a cheeky eggplant emoji or a classic winky face? Well, according to Bumble’s research, turns out a lot of people use emojis when they are trying to flirt. I must say that I’m guilty of using a couple of emojis when…

  • You Can Design Your Own ‘Official’ Emoji

    You Can Design Your Own ‘Official’ Emoji

    Have you ever been in the middle of composing a text message and scrolled through the emoji selection only to find that the one you need to express your emotion or situation seemingly doesn’t exist? If so — or if you simply have a great idea for a new emoji — now’s your chance: Unicode…

  • Stop Blurring Your Sensitive Information in Screenshots

    Stop Blurring Your Sensitive Information in Screenshots

    Want to hide parts of a screenshot that contain personal information, such as your home address or credit card number? That’s a good idea, but you should stop using tools that pixelate, blur, or use other cool effects like swirls to hide this information — it’s almost like baiting strangers into trying to see what’s…