
  • No One Food Item Is ‘Bad’ For You

    No One Food Item Is ‘Bad’ For You

    We are, as a society, obsessed with questions about whether an individual food is “good” or “bad” for us. But with the exception of things like poisonous mushrooms (which I would not classify as “food”), no food is bad for you.

  • Follow This Diet If You Care About Climate Change

    There’s no denying humans have made — and continue to have — a big impact on the environment. One of the biggest contributors is our food industry, which adds more emissions into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. A new diet is catching wind but instead of its primary focus being losing weight, it…

  • Ask LH: Are Diet Microwave Dinners Actually Healthy?

    Dear Lifehacker, I’ve decided I want to get healthier and shed some excess weight. I’m pretty time-poor, so I’ll be mainly relying on diet microwave dinners from the supermarket (Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, McCain Healthy Choice, etc.) My question is: will these products actually help me lose weight? And are they considered healthy?