Ben Ford

  • How To Spend The First Hour Of Every Morning

    If you’re reading this in a bleary-eyed haze wondering where the morning went, there’s a pretty good chance you need to rethink your waking up ritual. The way you spend the first 60 minutes of each morning can have a profound affect on the rest of the day — especially on Mondays when any sane…

  • 15 Things No Man Over 35 Should Be Doing

    Lifehacker is filled with advice on how to improve yourself and do things better. Advice on what to avoid can be harder to come by – especially for the over 35 set, who are supposed to have everything worked out by now. With that in mind, here are 15 things that should be a distant…

  • The One Piece Of Financial Advice All Experts Agree On

    I work in, or closely alongside, the financial sector and the sheer volume of ideas and opinions flying about the place is both exciting and bewildering. But it means that, for the average punter like you or me, it’s completely flawed because we don’t know what to do with our money or where to put…