
  • How to Grow Your Own Sunflowers (and Harvest Their Seeds)

    How to Grow Your Own Sunflowers (and Harvest Their Seeds)

    Not only are sunflowers beautiful plants, they’re also resilient ones that love direct sun and hot days. Plus, their large heads produce seeds that are healthy and snackable, making sunflowers a decorative and edible plant for your seasonal garden. Here’s how to grow happy and healthy sunflowers, and how to harvest those seeds.

  • Your Broccoli Stems Can Make a Tasty Tart

    Your Broccoli Stems Can Make a Tasty Tart

    I have never been the type of person who avoids the stem portion of broccoli, but I’ve heard that such people exist. I think I actually prefer the more substantial stems to the florets, which are dry, fibrous, and fluffy when raw. (I want fluff in my pillows, not in my mouth.)

  • Your Iced Coffee Needs Some Citrus Soda

    Your Iced Coffee Needs Some Citrus Soda

    This is the time of summer when the heat can go from barely tolerable to unbearably hot, with no respite to be found. Although most of my regular food and drinks can be swapped out for lighter, more summer-appropriate options, my daily coffee presents a quandary.