How Much IT Contractors Get Paid Across Australia
14Contracting as an IT pro can still be lucrative, but it does depend on where you live. New data suggests that you’re going to earn a lot less in Victoria than South Australia — but you’ll still typically get twice the hourly rate of a permanent employ. Plus: which roles are the most likely to…
Ask LH: Should I Switch From Contracting To Full-Time Work?
Hi Lifehacker, I’ve been working as a contractor to my current boss for the past three months. He has offered to employ me full-time, which gives me all the benefits of holidays and so on and less hassle with invoices and budgeting, but that would result in a pay cut of roughly 20%.
Hot Freelance Tech Areas: JavaScript, iOS Apps
Seeking out freelance IT work? The most useful skills to have right now are JavaScript, site development and SEO skills, and iOS app building.
Would You Contract For A Company Where You Wouldn’t Work Full-Time?
Not everyone wants to work for a large company. The traditional approach of a big corporation (fixed hours, central location, clock watching) can seem entirely pointless in terms of productivity. But would you happily work as a contractor for a business where you wouldn’t want to work for full-time?