
  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Commuting

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Commuting

    Commuting is literally the worst. A recent study by economist Daniel Kahneman revealed that driving to work is the activity we rate as the least enjoyable. It’s worse than housework, answering emails, and actually working. Long commutes destroy marriages, wreck minds, and shorten lives. Commuting can even make you fat.

  • A New Way To Think About Your Daily Commute

    Few activities that bead our everyday lives have earned such dubious notoriety as commuting. That the words “hell” and “nightmare” are sometimes invoked to describe journeys to and from work indicates just how disparaged this part of our lives often is. The commute has often been depicted in dystopian terms, standing for all that is…

  • Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Daily Commute

    Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Daily Commute

    Your daily commute, whether you get behind the wheel and drive or hop on a bus or train and wait, doesn’t have to be sunk, wasted time. Whether you use it productively or just use it for a little solace, here are some great ways to make use of the downtime.