
  • Is It Legal To Sunbathe Topless In Australia?

    Picture the scene: You’re sunbaking on a secluded stretch of beach with your boyfriend. Nobody is around, so you decide to remove your bikini top and work on your all-over tan. Did you just break the law? Or do conservative ninnies need to mind their own damn business?

  • Three Self Exams Everyone Should Perform Regularly

    Three Self Exams Everyone Should Perform Regularly

    Cancer sucks. We still don’t know exactly what causes it or how to reliably cure it. Our best chance is catching it early enough for treatment to have a fighting chance, and the best way to catch it early is to know what to look for and examine yourself regularly.

  • Avoid Skin Cancer By Munching On Aspirin?

    Most doctors will tell you to limit your aspirin intake due to possible adverse effects on the liver. However, this may change if a new study in the American Cancer Society journal is anything to go by. It turns out that an aspirin a day may reduce the risks of developing malignant melanomas.