Robbie Gonzalez

  • What The Hell Are Uvulas For?

    What The Hell Are Uvulas For?

    That dangly, speed-bag-looking thing at the rear of your mouth is called your palatine uvula, or just uvula for short. What’s it for? That’s a good question. People have been asking this for hundreds of years (seriously), and their answers are… mysterious.

  • How To Blow Your Nose Properly

    How To Blow Your Nose Properly

    Your options are to blow or to snort ‘n swallow. Unless you prefer to let the snot just sort of dribble out and pool in your philtrum, giving your upper lip a damp, sickly glisten. Which, no — what are you, seven? It’s time you learned to get rid of mucus like a well-informed adult.

  • What Is The Most Common Nightmare?

    What Is The Most Common Nightmare?

    Scientists have been investigating nightmares for over a century. Their work has resulted in some seriously bizarre findings, but nothing is more strange than the discovery of what people’s most common nightmares are.

  • Why Do We Work Better Under Pressure?

    Why Do We Work Better Under Pressure?

    Do you produce your best work if you wait until the last minute to do it, and are under the stress of an impending deadline? If you don’t, chances are you know someone who does. But why? What is it about the tension of putting things off that gets our creative juices flowing?