
  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Job Searching

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Job Searching

    Even though unemployment is currently low and qualified workers are in high demand, it’s still hard to land a job sometimes — especially a good one. Job hunting can be frustrating, but you’ll likely get through it successfully if you can avoid making any of these seven common mistakes.

  • These COVID ‘Facts’ Are No Longer True

    These COVID ‘Facts’ Are No Longer True

    It’s been a long pandemic, and COVID is still going strong. But along the way, we’ve at least learned a lot of things. Just as we stopped obsessing over hand-washing, there are plenty of other ideas we once had (or still have) about COVID that need to be updated. Here are some of the biggies.

  • Don’t Let Your Pandemic Travel Credits Go to Waste

    Don’t Let Your Pandemic Travel Credits Go to Waste

    Travelling via any means is bonkers right now, so you may not be thinking about booking a trip anytime soon. Or maybe you are revenge travelling and booking all of the trips — either way, if you have e-credits or vouchers from trips that were cancelled during the pandemic, you should probably use them soon…