How to Watch Apple’s ‘Time Flies’ Event Today

How to Watch Apple’s ‘Time Flies’ Event Today

Another day, another Apple event. And while Apple’s product-release schedule feels all wonky thanks to the pandemic (and ensuing quarantines), we’re still going to see some fun new gadgets today.

While normally I wouldn’t recommend tuning into any new-product announcement from Big Tech — they just get so droll after a while — I was so impressed with the quality of Apple’s virtual Worldwide Developers Conference this year that I figure you might as well see what Apple’s up to today if for nothing else than the production value. I mean, what else are you going to do during the pandemic/wildfires/whatever is ailing your area this week?

Where (and when) to stream the “Time Flies” event

Since Apple’s event is virtual (and undoubtedly being prerecorded from Apple Park as much as possible), you have a number of different ways to watch. Before we get to that, let’s talk logistics. Apple’s event kicks off at 3:00 a.m. AEST. Mark your calendar.

If you’d like to watch Apple’s “Time Flies” event on the big screen — at least, something bigger than your laptop or phone — you can stream it directly through the Apple TV app. You won’t need a subscription to Apple TV or any of that (and, yes, you can use this app to watch the event on any device that it works with).

Otherwise, if you’d like to go with the classic method, you can just pull up Apple’s YouTube channel and tune in that way. Go there right now, and you can even set a little reminder for the event. Finally, you can always hit up Apple’s website to view the livestream, which also allows you to create a little calendar reminder. (Spoiler: It’s today.)

I’m ambivalent about which method is best, given how much I tend to multitask during these product announcements. However, any option that lets you put the event on a secondary screen (like your iPad, your TV, or whatever) is ideal, I feel; you can then use your laptop to work, goof off, or live-tweet every single word from a perfectly coiffed Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering. Or, hey, start meticulously refreshing the Apple Store’s website so you can get first dibs on a preorder of, what, a new iPad? A new Apple Watch?

Those are my guesses for today’s announcement, at least. If you’re expecting Apple to announce its new iPhone, I think that’s coming later, given the production delays. That just gives you extra time to save your pennies for a new 5G iPhone, right?


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