The Only ‘Sleep Hack’ You Need Is Darkness

The catch about not getting enough sleep long-term is that eventually, we seem to adjust to a few measly hours of sleep and think we’re fine. We’re really not.

This article is sponsored by Carpet Court to help you get a better sleep.

While we might not feel the effects straight away, our bodies are still struggling to keep up with our negligent life choices and they’ll soon want to tap out.

Sleep studies have shown that less than seven hours of sleep a night can negatively impact our overall health, which is highly alarming for all of us who coast on four-to-five hours and simply mask the fatigue with unlimited coffees.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Six Hours Of Sleep Can Be Just As Bad As Not Sleeping At All” excerpt=”If you’re only getting six hours of sleep each night, you might be just as sleep deprived as someone who got zero hours of sleep for two days.”]

There’s no point hitting the panic button just yet though – you can still alter your sleeping patterns so that in future, you’re getting enough Zs to let your body heal.

And no, we’re not talking about pill-popping, sleep apps or weighted blankets (which we’re assuming work if you’re into straight-jackets). We’re talking about the oldest trick in the book – darkness.

Before you scoff, hear us out. It’s common knowledge that cavemen used to sleep like angels (we can’t scientifically prove that so just roll with it) and it was all thanks to their well-insulated, incredibly dark caves.

Without getting into the nitty-gritty, darkness supposedly increases our sleep hormone – or Melatonin for all you science junkies out there – which tells our brain that we need our rest.

At this point, if you’re struggling to sleep, what’s the worst that could happen if you try to sleep in complete and utter darkness? You’ve got nothing but sleep to lose.

If you’ve got one of those dodgy bedrooms with blinds that barely cover the window, invest in some custom-made blockout blinds. They completely block out light (even from the sides), as well as heat and cold that seeps through your windows and doors.

Of course, it still wouldn’t hurt to put your phone down at a reasonable hour and stop watching horror flicks at 11pm, but darkness is also an essential step.

Just something to think about (not late at night, though).


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