Netflix Account Sharing Could Get Cancelled

The tradition of sharing one Netflix account among a small group of friends is under threat. New AI-driven software developed by Synamedia can work out when people are sharing an account and alert service providers like Netflix, Amazon Prime and others as to when people share credentials and split the costs.

The software uses algorithms that can decipher whether certain access patterns are legit or the result of account sharing.

Synamedia says the phenomenon of ‘casual credential sharing’ is costing streaming platform providers big time with some data suggesting that up to a quarter of millennials share accounts. The company also claims they can tell the difference between a shared log-in and one used by someone who frequently travels by looking at usage patterns.

In the past, Netflix’s CEO has been reported as saying he thinks sharing Netflix is OK. That said, Netflix’s Terms of Use are pretty clear. They say:

The Netflix service and any content viewed through the service are for your personal and non-commercial use only and may not be shared with individuals beyond your household.

Amazon Prime has similar “household” based rules. and Stan’s T&Cs say ” You must keep your Account details private and must not share these details”.

So, by the letter of the law, sharing your log-in credentials seems like a no-no.

For now, it seems that even though Synamedia can potentially detect shared log ins, it’s unlikely the main SVOD platforms are ready to take action. Perhaps they see today’s shared log-in as a potential paid user of the future and are unwilling to alienate customers.

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