Boiling water over a campfire can be an easy way to get burned if you’re not careful. This clever pot holder can save you some pain, and only requires you have a knife and a stick.
[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”The Wilderness Survival Skills You Should Know” excerpt=”A few hours watching the Discovery Channel can prompt extreme survival fantasies involving frog-licking and urine-drinking, but what about the basic skills you’d actually need to survive in the wilderness? Here’s a look at the basics you need to become an adult Boy Scout straight from a cadre of survival experts.”]
The resourceful survival hackers from the History Channel show Alone came up with the “kitchen stick” tool shown above. Here’s how to make your own:
Find a stick with a mostly even “Y” shape. Break of pieces if you have to.
Use your knife to carve a notch just above the upside down “Y” part of the stick.
Gradually turn that notch into a hook that can easily hold onto a pot or bucket handle (as demonstrated in the image above).
Now you can boil water for clean drinking or coffee without worrying about burning your hands.