Apple’s new iPhones go on pre-sale today from most Australian telcos. Here are the full range of plans for Virgin customers.
As you can see in the tables below, Vodafone’s iPhone 8 pricing starts at $59.97 per month on a 36-month contrast, which nets you 2GB of data per month. The cheapest iPhone 8 Plus plan – which comes with the same inclusions – is slightly more expensive at $66.91 per month. This works out to a minimum total of $2158.92 and $2048.76 over 36 months, respectively.
Here are the details for each phone:
Vodafone Plans For iPhone 8 (64GB And 256GB)
Vodafone Plans For iPhone 8 Plus (64GB And 256GB)
Vodafone iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus plan details
Here’s a breakdown of what’s included with each plan (click on the table for more information or to purchase a plan.)
Vodafone iPhone 8 64GB prices
Vodafone iPhone 8 256GB prices
Vodafone iPhone 8 Plus 64GB prices
Vodafone iPhone 8 Plus 256GB prices
We’ll be comparing every telco’s pricing in a future Planhacker. Watch this space!
[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”iPhone 8 And 8 Plus: Australian Pricing, Specs And Release Date” excerpt=”They’re here! Apple’s new iPhone range have finally rumbled onto the world stage with a host of improvements under their collective hoods. Some of the changes are significant, others are incremental. If you’re planning to upgrade to the iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus, here’s everything you need to know, including Australian pricing, release date and specifications.”]
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