Apple’s set to announce its new model of iPhone next week, which means it’s time for that yearly upgrade consideration. If you do want to upgrade, selling off your old one before Apple’s announcement is your best bet to get the most cash.
Of course, selling your iPhone now creates the logistical problem of potentially not having a phone, so this is really only useful for people who have a second phone sitting around they can use for the next couple of weeks. It’s worth it though, according to US phone reseller site Glyde, which is expecting a 15 per cent decline in pricing on older models as we get closer to Apple’s event.
There are a lot of places where you can sell off your old iPhone, including sites like Mobile Monster, Mazuma Mobile and Cash A Phone that make it easy to sell your device for a good chunk of cash without much hassle. There are a lot of variables, so check a few sites before you commit to selling. Gumtree is also always a great option.