You’ve got your eye on a new iPhone, but there’s just one problem: you’re still in a potentially contracted relationship with your old device and need to figure out how to efficiently break up before placing your order.
Image credit: Pixbay
There are actually tons of options out there when it comes to getting rid of your old phone. If you want to get a new one, here are a few ways to make that happen:
Sell Your Phone Yourself
If you already own your phone (so you’re not under an instalment plan), you’re going to make the most money selling your phone directly to another person, although you’re arguably going to put in the most work with this solution. eBay is a popular place to do that, as is Gumtree.
Keep in mind if you go this route to be as thorough and honest as possible about the condition of the device — scratches, blemishes, sticky buttons, etc. The last thing you want is to find a seller, only for them to go back on the deal because of a few “omissions”.
[referenced url=”” thumb=”×432.jpg” title=”How To Factory Reset an iPhone Or iPad” excerpt=”Each year, Apple releases a new iPhone. And in the weeks preceding and following the release, online auction sites see an abundance of newly superseded iPhones hit the market. But before you sell your iPhone, iPad or any other iOS device, you should remove all your personal data.”]
Apple GiveBack
Apple’s upgrade program isn’t available in Australia, however, the company does have its “GiveBack” scheme. Simply visit the page, enter the IMEI or model number of your device (both of which can be found in Settings) and answer a few questions about the condition of the hardware.
You’ll then be told how much it should be worth as a trade-in. Note that the money you get back will be in the form of an Apple Store gift card and if your device is on the ancient end of the spectrum, won’t be worth that much.
Buyback with a Third-Party
Of course, you can always hit up dedicated buyback sites, including Mazuma, Mobile Monster and Fonebank. Try a few different ones, see which gives you the best deal and as always, do your research on the company (the forums of Whirlpool are great of this).
If you don’t mind walking in, EB Games will take old phones (along with a great deal of other devices).
[referenced url=”” thumb=”,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/wqgsj8km4r1x7thlf5s0.jpg” title=”How To Sell Your Old Phone (Even If It’s Broken)” excerpt=”Everyone wants to sell their old phones, but it’s somewhat intimidating. Getting rid of old devices is a huge hassle, especially when you have to clean it up, deactivate account, and find a place that will actually give you a decent amount of cash for your device.”]
Trade In With a Carrier
Visit any of the big providers, be it Telstra, Optus or Vodafone and any one of them will happily take your old iPhone off your hands.
That said, the difference in credit won’t be that big — a few bucks at most — and Telstra even goes through the same company (Brightstar) as Apple does for GiveBack.