Hi Lifehacker, I am in the process of building a new home in an area that does not currently have the NBN (National Broadband Network). Is there a way to apply for NBN connection or prepare the home for when the NBN does come around? Thanks, Eager Downloader
Picture: NBN Co
Dear ED,
In this situation, there’s actually very little you can do other than wait. If you’ve put your address into the NBN Co address checker and been told that “The NBN rollout has not started in your area”, then that’s it. There’s no pre-registration process involved.
Future rollout plans for the NBN remain very much in a state of flux: the only way to be absolutely certain that you’ll get fibre to the premises is by moving somewhere where it’s already connected. That said, if you do end up in an area where new services become available, it will be hard to miss even if the NBN isn’t directly connected to your home: there will be lots of local promotion by NBN Co itself, plus advertising by the ISPs who are hoping to sign you up. So enjoy your new residence and keep your fingers crossed.
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7 responses to “Ask LH: Can I Pre-Apply For The NBN?”
Not true. The policy on the greenfields rollout hasn’t changed. Any development with more than 100 lots automatically gets NBN fibre as long as the developer does what they should.
Specifically, refer to the NBNCo Fibre In New Developments policy (FIND): http://www.nbnco.com.au/content/dam/nbnco/documents/fibre-in-new-developments-policy-update-statement-22-jun-11.pdf
I think you’ll find that some ISPs are taking ‘registrations of interest’, but the truth is that for most of the country no-one knows when or what technology will be rolled out in areas more than about 6 months out.
look at this:
The most important thing you can do when building a house in an NBN area is getting your wired network setup properly.
Find someone who has experience setting up wired networks and have a chat with them about your house. How you use the network and where you’ll want LAN Cables. Think about where you want the NBN Co equipment installed. How are you going to get this connection throughout your house. Are you going wireless. Do you have enough ports in each room to support your needs?
As someone who used to work in support for an ISP that was selling NBN products the amount of problems caused by not having enough physical ports in each room or not understanding how “smart wiring” worked was significant.
Taking the time to plan now will save you a packet in the long run.
As you say you are building a new home, I’d suggest that you make sure you have an in-ground conduit from your house to the street. (You may also consider putting in a 2nd conduit while you can, rather than relying on re-using the one that will probably have your pre-NBN line in it). Once building is complete, things like driveways and landscaping can make it a whole lot more expensive to try and put in a conduit later.
Also, you may also want to look at putting either a draw-cable or a conduit inside your wall, from the house entry point to where you want your hub to be, to make it easier to draw-in the cable when in does arrive.
Lastly, make sure you add a power point at the same location, especially if you are thinking of hiding your router / modem in a cubpoard. I forgot this when building and it was an expensive oversight to get it installed afterwards.
Definitely think about where you want the FTU installed. Make sure there is power there. As mentioned think about hard wiring your house with Cat6 or above. Will you need a network switch? Rack mount vs shelf. Wireless performance and repeaters? Draw cables in conduits. Also think about things like HDMI, where TVs will go and how you will get video/internet to them.
Usually if your area has less than 100 lots builder should coordinate formally apply with NBNCo so that they can determine what will be available in your location and to know if you’re on the national rollout area.
Hi everyone.
I’m in a ackward situation. We built new home 800m from the place we rented and the developer wired for NBN ,our internet provider, Dodo, said couple months ago there is no problem to move our service at the new address on ADSL till NBN will conected . They call us last week and told there is no internet or phone in the area ( middle of the city) and recomand to contact Telstra.
Telstra said its ok to connect the address, but after we did the contract they call as well to tell there is no possibility to have any service because the address is wired in-ground with optical fiber but not connected to nbn and they can’t connect copper wire to optical fiber.
Now we sit and wait with our prepaid mobiles in the middle of the city like in middle age, with no knolledge when will be available internet service in our home.
where should I call to hurry up things or to have a date when w’ll get connected.
Thanks guys!
I think everyone is missing the point.
To be prepared for the NBN, you need to get the installer guide for new homes. Basically the requirement is to have a PowerPoint at the location where you plan to have the indoor box. You also need to have 20mm conduit, from the hole in the wall where you want the inside box, up the wall, across the ceiling beams and back down the wall to where the outside box will be.
If possible, find a local NBN installer, they can let you know all the particulars.
Wow some bad advice here.
You can request the PCD and NTD to be installed as part of the build. Assuming as the article points out that the new site is actually going to be NBN.
I did this with my builder (after I educated them) and boom, all was installed and on moving in, we called an ISP and was online within hours.