
  • How to Win at ‘Digits,’ the New Wordle for Maths

    How to Win at ‘Digits,’ the New Wordle for Maths

    I’m convinced there are two kinds of nerds: word game people and number game people. The same thrill I feel at building letters into words, other people feel by manipulating numbers into different ones. If you’ve been waiting for a maths version of Wordle, you’re in luck — and even if you’re a word game…

  • Is Mathematics Even Real?

    Is Mathematics Even Real?

    While filming herself getting ready for work recently, TikTok user @gracie.ham reached deep into the ancient foundations of mathematics and found an absolute gem of a question: How could someone come up with a concept like algebra? She also asked what the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras might have used mathematics for, and other questions that…

  • The Entire Field Of Mathematics, Summarised In One Map

    The Entire Field Of Mathematics, Summarised In One Map

    Like most people, my knowledge of maths is limited to the skills I need to function in society. (I blame crappy high school teachers for that.) However, the diversity and implications of maths theory is truly fascinating if you’re willing to give it a chance. This animated map breaks down the basics.

  • Pi Isn’t As Random As You Think

    After thousands of years of trying, mathematicians are still working out the number known as pi or “π”. We typically think of pi as approximately 3.14 but the most successful attempt to calculate it more precisely worked out its value to over 13 trillion digits after the decimal point. We have known since the 18th…