
  • Why It’s More Than OK to Walk During Your Run

    Why It’s More Than OK to Walk During Your Run

    Anyone who claims that walk breaks don’t make you a “real” runner is not only a weird jerk, but simply incorrect. The walk/run combination is a legitimate strategy used by runners of all levels. Whether your goal is to gradually build distance, or to conserve energy to finish a race strong, or to convince yourself…

  • Hitting 10,000 Steps A Day Isn’t As Crucial As You Think

    Hitting 10,000 Steps A Day Isn’t As Crucial As You Think

    We’ve all heard that 10,000 steps is the ‘magic number’ when it comes to your daily count, and maintaining good health through staying active. However, a report from Science Focus suggests the goal of specifically hitting 10,000 steps might be a myth. The figure is thought to have come from a Japanese pedometer called ‘manpo-kei’…