Everything a Nintendo fan needs: new Nintendo Switch games, Nintendo news, talk about the Legend of Zelda and new Mario games, and more.
The Nintendo Store Has Some Mega Discounts On Switch Favourites
The Nintendo Store sale is live now, with festive deals on Switch favourites, new releases, and Nintendo classics.
Roll Up Your Google Search Results With This ‘Katamari’ Minigame
You Google something every day, but when was the last time you enjoyed it? All those links and images stare back at you, waiting to be clicked: The same as it ever was. But maybe you shouldn’t click them. Maybe instead, you should destroy them. Or, at the very least, roll them up into a…
10 of the Best Corporate Biopics Ever
Corporations are people. The Supreme Court said so. Basically — back it 2010, when it clarified that businesses have the same First Amendment rights as actual people. It kind of tracks: a lifetime spent swimming in brands has made our relationships with corporations as vital as any we share with flesh-and-blood humans. So why not…
The Best (and Most Affordable) Way to Store Old Video Games
If you collect video games, or are holding onto a batch of your childhood favourites, chances are you have more than a few loose carts and discs in your collection. Many retro games came in flimsy cardboard boxes, and I’m willing to bet I wasn’t the only person whose family got rid of game cases…