
  • How to Try Reddit’s Clubhouse-like ‘Talks’ Feature Early

    How to Try Reddit’s Clubhouse-like ‘Talks’ Feature Early

    Clubhouse must be onto something, because every other social media platform is launching its own version of their live, audio-only voice chats. Twitter, Discord, Facebook, LinkedIn, Spotify, and Telegram all have similar features in development, but the latest company to join the trend is Reddit with its newly-announced “Reddit Talks.”

  • How Do I Restore Access to a Hacked Facebook Account?

    How Do I Restore Access to a Hacked Facebook Account?

    No need to say “quit Facebook” in the comments on this one. For those sticking around on the social service — and there are many of you, it seems, considering the company’s total number of active users ain’t exactly trending down — there’s a lot you can and should do to secure your account. However,…

  • Instead of Bookmarking Tweets, Use This Bot

    Instead of Bookmarking Tweets, Use This Bot

    It’s hard keeping track of individual tweets. According to TechJury, the social media platform sees an average of 528,780 new tweets every minute, so all it takes is one or two refreshes for that useful tweet to be lost in the digital abyss. Sure, you can bookmark or favourite a tweet to look up later,…