
  • How to Fix Your iPhone When an iOS Update Causes Issues

    How to Fix Your iPhone When an iOS Update Causes Issues

    Whether you’ve bit the bullet and installed a brand-new iOS beta on your iPhone or you’re updating to a new public release of iOS, the process usually goes swimmingly. When it doesn’t, however, the anxiety kicks in: How the heck do you fix an iPhone that almost works perfectly, save for some new, fatal flaw?

  • What To Do If Netflix Won’t Connect On Your TV

    One of my housemates hit me with a quirky question this weekend: Netflix, which had previously been working just fine on his TV, was no longer loading. Everything else about the TV worked fine, but Netflix just kept cycling through connection attempt after connection attempt, punctuated with endless “tvq-rnd-100″ errors.

  • Help! My Computer Won’t Recognise My USB Drive

    You should never store all of your digital eggs in one basket, a lesson that Lifehacker reader Rafik is probably going to learn the hard way. He has a great puzzler for this week’s tech-troubleshooting column at Lifehacker, and it involves the classic “I can’t access my data” dilemma that everyone has to deal with…

  • Why Your Replacement AirPod Can’t Pair Up

    AirPods are easy to misplace, we know. If you recently had to acquire a single replacement AirPod earbud, you might assume that all is now well—your lonely AirPod now has a friend again. However, a number of Apple fans are reporting that their replacement AirPod won’t pair up with their older AirPod, which defeats the…