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  • How Do You Make Perfect S’mores?

    How Do You Make Perfect S’mores?

    Hello, and welcome back to What’s Cooking?, the open thread where you get to share your brilliant thoughts, advice, recipes, and opinions on all things food-related. Today I wish to talk about a wonderful summertime treat: The American s’more.

  • How Do You Perk Up A Bland Recipe?

    How Do You Perk Up A Bland Recipe?

    Today, upon logging onto Slack, I was greeted with a horror story. Last night, our dear managing editor, Virginia, was making a lentil soup recipe from [redacted], only to find it called for a paltry 1/4 teaspoon of salt. “Reader, it was bland,” she told us, to which A.A. Newton replied “I’m going to scream,”…

  • How Do You Survive Long Flights?

    How Do You Survive Long Flights?

    With a couple of six-plus hour trips coming up in the next few months, I’ve been taking notes on how to survive long flights. It’s been a few years since I’ve been on an international trip, and while I was able to nap for more or less the whole trip in university and high school,…

  • What Do You Keep In Your Car?

    What Do You Keep In Your Car?

    There was always a pink blanket in the trunk of the family car when I was growing up. It took up a lot of space but could never be removed, because what if the car broke down in winter? We would all have to huddle under the blanket while we waited for help. Driving without…