
  • Hear Me Out: Pickle Spaghetti

    Hear Me Out: Pickle Spaghetti

    Pickle fans love taking what is supposed to be an accent — a sour and pungent adornment — and forcing it into a main role. We’ll try any pickled-flavored snack that comes to market, be it a simple potato chip or something more elaborate like these pickle pups (which, full disclosure, weren’t very good). So…

  • Stir Fry Your Leftover Pasta for a Crispy Treat

    Stir Fry Your Leftover Pasta for a Crispy Treat

    My first thought after eating a mound of stir fried leftover linguine was, “I need to do this more often.” Rice noodles, in any manner of preparation–soaked, fried, or tossed in soup–make up a large portion of my diet, but when I cook boxed semolina or durum wheat pasta, I tend to think of it…

  • So You Forgot to Reserve Some Pasta Water

    So You Forgot to Reserve Some Pasta Water

    In spite of what the word may suggest, cream is not the key to creating “creamy” pasta dishes. That distinction belongs to pasta water, the starchy elixir with the power to thicken sauces and help them cling to and coat noodles with tenacity. Reserving a cup before draining the pasta an important step, but accidents…