Does Normal Really Exist? How One Conversation About Labiaplasty Changed My Life
It’s pretty amazing how one moment in your life can define you. Mine was back in high school when a conversation in maths class taught me there was such a thing as an ‘innie’ and an ‘outie’. I hadn’t seen another vulva at that point in time, and it was that conversation that set me on…
How To Stop Caring What People Think, With Mark Manson
Do you find yourself spending way too much time worrying about what people think of you? Are you ready to let go of those needless concerns in order to focus on other, more important things? This week on The Upgrade, we’re working through our issues with Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving…
The Key To Fighting Impostor Syndrome
Feeling like you don’t measure up to those around you also makes you think you don’t belong, like you’re an impostor. A simple change in mindset can combat that feeling and remind you that we’re all — even your heroes — human.
Examine Rejection Like A Detective To Avoid Beating Yourself Up
We can be pretty mean to ourselves when we mess up or get rejected. We call ourselves names, we criticise, we shame ourselves. Psychologist Guy Winch has a better idea: play detective about the situation.