
  • How To Throw A Left Hook Punch [Infographic]

    How To Throw A Left Hook Punch [Infographic]

    Conor Mcgregor’s left hook to the face of Jose Aldo is one of the most celebrated KOs in UFC history. If you’re ever forced into a fight, using both fists is obviously better than relying on one. This diagram explains the basics of throwing a solid left hook that your opponent won’t see coming.

  • How To Throw A Killer Self-Defensive Punch

    How To Throw A Killer Self-Defensive Punch

    If you’re lucky, you’ll never have to defend yourself through physical violence. But if that time ever comes, or if you’re ever enrolled in a Fight Club against your will, would you know what to do? You’ve seen punches thrown on TV plenty of times, but do you actually know how to throw one correctly?…