How To Throw A Left Hook Punch [Infographic]
Conor Mcgregor’s left hook to the face of Jose Aldo is one of the most celebrated KOs in UFC history. If you’re ever forced into a fight, using both fists is obviously better than relying on one. This diagram explains the basics of throwing a solid left hook that your opponent won’t see coming.
How To Throw A Killer Self-Defensive Punch
If you’re lucky, you’ll never have to defend yourself through physical violence. But if that time ever comes, or if you’re ever enrolled in a Fight Club against your will, would you know what to do? You’ve seen punches thrown on TV plenty of times, but do you actually know how to throw one correctly?…
Five Tips That Might Save Your Life In A Knife Attack
Nobody wants to face a knife-wielding assailant, especially if you’re unarmed, but these five tips might help you defend yourself long enough to escape.