What Are the Protocols Around the Use of a Firearm for NSW Police?
As NSW police continue to investigate the alleged murders of Luke Davies and Jesse Baird, much attention has been paid to the alleged murder weapon – a police handgun.
Let’s Abolish The Police Force
Abolishing the police—or at the very least, significantly defunding them, to the point they are only a minimal presence in our communities—might sound like a radical and far-fetched solution to systemic police violence. Who would you call if someone stole your car or broke into your house? What if you were a victim of a…
How To Contest A Driving Offence In Court
In 2018, more than 44,000 Australians were dragged before the Court for traffic offences in NSW. This equated to a massive 35 per cent of all guilty defendants in the state. Fortunately, there are ways to make the legal system work in your favour. The Court has jurisdiction to remove or reduce certain penalties imposed,…
Is It Legal To Record Australian Police Without Permission?
There are various reasons you might want to record an Australian police officer. Maybe you’ve been detained by the law and want to prove what was said in court. Maybe you’re a video blogger attempting to capture “life on the street”. Or maybe you’re bearing witness to some good ol’ fashioned police brutality. Whatever the…