
  • Seven Ways To Spend Less Money On Petrol

    Petrol is getting too expensive – and according to the experts, prices are only going to get worse. Instead of reverting to the horse-and-cart, here are a handful of simple bowser strategies that will help to keep petrol prices more manageable.

  • It’s Official: Aussie Petrol Sucks

    According to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) figures, Australian petrol is the worst of all 35 OECD countries. Aussie standards allow for 150 parts per million (ppm) of sulphur – the stuff that, once it hits the atmosphere, can form acid rain and also cause respiratory issues for anyone who likes breathing. It’s…

  • Petrol Is Super Cheap Right Now

    Petrol prices have dropped significantly in the last three months, a trend that is expected to continue into the Christmas and New Year period, according to the ACCC – who says you should still be shopping around.