personal finance

  • Where To Find A Personal Finance Community Online

    Discussing money is still generally frowned upon. In fact, people are so hush-hush about their finances that they would rather talk about their sex life than their credit card debt at a dinner party, according to a report from Motley Fool’s The Ascent. That survey found that almost 57 per cent of respondents think it’s…

  • Start Preparing For An Economic Downturn

    For months, we’ve been talking about our topsy-turvy economy and what it could mean for your finances if we experience another global recession. And while the sheer occurrence of a recession isn’t anything to get worked up about on its surface, the spectre of the previous GFC is still weighing on a lot of us.

  • What’s Your Favourite Frugal Hack?

    What are your go-to frugal hacks? Do you pack your lunch for work every day, or make your own lattes? Do you put yourself on library hold lists months in advance, so you can be one of the first people to read a new book when it releases? Do you automatically deposit money into your…