
  • Snack Supper Rules; Girl Dinner Drools

    Snack Supper Rules; Girl Dinner Drools

    Every once in a while, I start to hate cooking. Or at least I start to hate cooking for myself. This feeling peaked during the height of the pandemic and social distancing; while everyone else was finding comfort in meditative brunoise-ing and reflective baking, I was drained by the time supper rolled around. It still…

  • Make Next-Level Nachos by Melting Shredded Cheese in Queso

    Make Next-Level Nachos by Melting Shredded Cheese in Queso

    Usually, when one makes nachos (or cheese fries), there comes a point when you have to choose between a creamy, saucy queso and a gloriously stretchy cheese pull. Queso does not stretch like melted, shredded cheese, and shredded cheese has a tendency to grease out and solidify quite quickly — but, with their powers combined,…

  • KFC Is Selling Chicken Nachos… In One Location At 2am

    KFC is re-imagining Mexican nachos as ‘Chachos’ – a cheese-and-salsa laden snack that substitutes corn chips for chicken tenders. If you’re salivating at the thought of this fast food mashup, we’ve got some unfortunate news: you can only buy it between the hours of 2am and 3am from a food truck in Melbourne CBD. No,…