mind hacks

  • Six Mind Hacks For A Faster, Deeper Sleep

    Six Mind Hacks For A Faster, Deeper Sleep

    Most of us have experienced a restless night of tossing and turning. Perhaps you have a big event the next day and can’t switch your brain off. Or maybe you slept in that morning and screwed up your body clock. Whatever the reason, there are a handful of tricks you can employ – backed by…

  • How You Can Help Your Kid Calm Down: An Age-by-Age Guide 

    How You Can Help Your Kid Calm Down: An Age-by-Age Guide 

    Photo: Studio Grand Quest/Shutterstock Children need to feel their feelings, but too often, they become overwhelmed by them. When they’re visibly upset, that’s when parents tend to swoop in and offer comfort, perhaps with words or hugs (or OK, sometimes goldfish crackers and YouTube Kids). But it’s even more important to teach them how to…