mind hacks

  • Use This Improv Comedy Rule To Avoid Arguments

    Use This Improv Comedy Rule To Avoid Arguments

    In comedic improvisation, the principle of “yes and” means that first you agree with your partner’s premise, and then you add to it. Without this essential principle, the scene couldn’t go anywhere. And while applying “yes and” to real life is a bit of a business-world cliché, I’ve found that it’s a great way to…

  • How To Solve A Rubik’s Cube In Five Seconds

    The maximum number of face turns needed to solve the classic Rubik’s cube is 20, and the maximum number of quarter turns is 26. It took 30 years to discover these numbers, which were finally proved by Tomas Rokicki and Morley Davidson using a mixture of mathematics and computer calculation. (The puzzle does have 43…

  • How To Master The 10-Minute Hack

    How To Master The 10-Minute Hack

    The hardest part of doing most things is just starting. We often think about what a big project we have ahead of ourselves, and that’s what makes it so daunting to begin. I know when I was writing my book, it seemed like most of my day was spent fighting the agony of just getting…