
  • To Improve Memory Recall, Curate Your Photos

    When I take a photo these days, I don’t think much about it. I know it will be automatically saved to the cloud; I know it will have a timestamp automatically saved with it. It’s not like the old days when the point of taking a photo was to get it printed and then slip…

  • The Smoothest Way To Handle Forgetting Someone’s Name

    Ever run into an acquaintance you’ve met several times before and realise you’ve forgotten their name? You stand there, discussing your lives, families or the office gossip while you secretly try to remember if his name is Steve or Paul (or maybe Dave?) and hope that he somehow drops a hint.

  • How To Memorise Anything

    Typical study methods like lectures, cramming, and re-reading are ineffective. According to scientific research, they don’t help students retain information over the long term. What works is spaced repetition.