medical specialties

  • Why Allergy Season Is Getting Longer

    Why Allergy Season Is Getting Longer

    If it seems like allergy season is getting worse every year, you’re probably not imagining it. Scientists who study the timing and movement of pollen have found that allergy seasons really have been getting longer, and potentially more severe.

  • 12 of the Worst Parenting Trends of the Last Century

    12 of the Worst Parenting Trends of the Last Century

    Viewed through modern eyes, long-discredited parenting techniques seem laughable — what kind of idiot would feed a six month old child eggs, bacon, and coffee? But remember, raising your kid in weird ways wasn’t that weird when tons of people were doing it. Even the most asinine parenting trends of yore were once considered perfectly…

  • You’re Wrong About ‘Breaking the Seal’

    You’re Wrong About ‘Breaking the Seal’

    I was at a college party the first time I heard it: “If you break the seal,” my friend said darkly, “you’ll break the deal.” I was on my way to the bathroom, a standard and reasonable journey we all undertake multiple times per day — but, according to party legend, one that should put…