• 2010 Schedule Now Up is one of the key geek gatherings down under. The schedule for next year’s event, which is being held in Wellington (New Zealand, not New South Wales), has now gone live, promising sessions on everything from Wiimote hacking to the impact of Microsoft on open source.

  • Extends Registration Dates

    Following the recent issues with its domain name (now fortunately resolved), annual Aussie Linux get-together has extended its early-bird registration period to November 10. If you can’t make it to Hobart in January, don’t stress — Lifehacker AU will be there, gathering Linux tips and ideas.

  • Linux coders, prep yourself for Hobart, Australia’s annual get-together for Linux hackers, coders and enthusiasts, is shifting to Hobart in January 2009 (I’ll definitely be attending). The call for papers has just opened, so if you’ve got a nifty Linux project you’re keen to publicise or some technical knowledge to share, get over to the official site, register and get…