
  • Make This Easy, Creamy Four-Ingredient Lemon Dessert

    Make This Easy, Creamy Four-Ingredient Lemon Dessert

    If you saw “lemon curdled cream” listed on a dessert menu, you’d probably pass over it in favour of lava cake. Understandably: “Curdled” is an inherently unsexy word. But while not all curdling is desirable, there are many instances in which curdled dairy is a good thing. Cheese is a big one. This sweet, creamy,…

  • You Should Add Lemon Zest To Pancake Batter

    I am an unapologetic champion of baking mixes. Baking from scratch is great, and if you have the time and resources to do so, go for it. But mixes are one of the first modern hacks, and their introduction helped lighten the workload of (mostly) women performing unpaid labour in the home. This — in…

  • You Can Sous Vide Bespoke Liqueur In Mere Hours

    You Can Sous Vide Bespoke Liqueur In Mere Hours

    Hello friends, and welcome back to Will It Sous Vide?, the column where I make thing with my immersion circulator. Today we’re taking a break from the chewable, and using the power of sous vide to make bespoke liqueur in record time.