
  • How The Great French Wine Blight Changed Grapes Forever

    How The Great French Wine Blight Changed Grapes Forever

    One hundred fifty years ago, the Great French Wine Blight nearly wiped out an industry that today produces some 40 billion bottles of wine a year. The only solution was a radical fusion of species that remains essential to the success of the wine market. Here’s the story of how humanity hacked the wine grape.

  • How To Cope With An Existential Crisis

    Despite the weirdness of existence, most of us are able to get on with our lives and avoid debilitating feelings of despair, personal failure and cosmic meaninglessness. But every once in a while we’re tugged out of our complacency and forced to re-evaluate our lives. Here’s what you need to know about existential crises, and…

  • A Scientific Guide To Handling Passive-Aggressive People

    Dealing with people who exhibit passive-aggressive behaviour is easily one of the most challenging aspects of our professional and social lives. Here’s what you need to know about this annoying personality quirk and how you can handle people who express their hostility in indirect and backhanded ways.