evil week 2014
10 Classic Evil Week Posts From The Archives
Every year, Lifehacker celebrates the dark side of life hacking with Evil Week. As this year’s edition winds down, it’s time to revisit some classics from the past.
The Right Kind Of Risky Behaviour May Actually Make You More Attractive
How attracted we are to others is based on a lot of different factors, but a recent study suggests there may be an evolutionary connection to why taking risks is an attractive behaviour. It just has to be the right kind of risk.
The Evil ‘Tests’ Job Interviewers Can Give (And How To Avoid Them)
After going through the hassles of interviewing, not getting an offer sucks. Your first assumption is you weren’t qualified, but that’s not always true. You also could have failed any number of hidden tests, some of them very evil.
How To Tap Your Network And See Everything That Happens On It
Your home network is your fortress. Inside it lies tons of valuable information — unencrypted files, personal, private data, and perhaps most importantly, computers that can be hijacked and used for any purpose. Let’s talk about how you can, with the power of evil, sniff around your home network to make sure you don’t have…