
  • You Should Make Dessert Pasta Immediately

    You Should Make Dessert Pasta Immediately

    Pastas have been used in desserts for some time now, like sweet lokshen kugel or white chocolate orzo pudding, but I confess, I’ve been missing out. All this time, my boxes of macaroni have only been treated to savoury dressings, vegetables, and meats. I’ve been cooking with one noodle tied behind my back. Pasta is…

  • Your Ice Cream Needs Savoury Toppings

    Your Ice Cream Needs Savoury Toppings

    Cinnamon and chocolate are not inherently sweet. In fact, they’re both pretty bitter (one’s tree bark for goodness sake), but add some sugar, and you’ve got two of the most popular dessert flavours. If ground up bark can get a pass, other savoury ingredients deserve a chance. Garnishing and flavoring desserts with bitter, savoury, acidic,…