
  • The Mars Approach Desktop

    The Mars Approach Desktop

    This Arch Linux desktop features a beautiful photo of Mars floating in the dark, but that’s not all that’s interesting about it — transparent terminal windows and resource indicators round out what’s actually a very productive setup. Here’s how to make it your own.

  • The Partly Cloudy Desktop

    The Partly Cloudy Desktop

    Pushkar‘s desktops never fail to delight, and this one is no exception. We’ve been making a point to highlight a few simpler, less widget-packed desktops, and this one is a perfect example. A wallpaper that takes us back to summertime, just a couple of widgets, and it’s ready for work.

  • The Side Bar Home Screen

    The Side Bar Home Screen

    Most home screens are simple pages of icons, but rarely venture out to gestures. This design has bright, vivid widgets with a slide-in sidebar on the left side of the screen.

  • The Moonshot Desktop

    The Moonshot Desktop

    This Windows 10 desktop is super simple, but everything just fits. Part of it is because Victor is using it on a 60″ TV, but its lack of widgets and toggles doesn’t make it any less useful and good looking. Here’s what you’ll need for a similar look.