
  • You Should Consider a Pasta and Dip Dinner

    You Should Consider a Pasta and Dip Dinner

    It’s no secret that pasta is one of the world’s most dependable carbs for filling out a meal. And dip? Well, dip is a savoury flavour-pudding we eat with sturdy carbs. You could say, then, that macaroni and chip-dip were destined for one another. Let them unite, and treat yourself to a cheap and delicious…

  • Turn Watermelon Rinds Into a Fancy Cocktail Cordial

    Turn Watermelon Rinds Into a Fancy Cocktail Cordial

    The question “What do I do with these watermelon rinds?” was answered long ago, and you probably already know the answer, especially if you’re from the South. Watermelon rinds become watermelon pickles, and the crisp, kind of flavourless scrap is rendered soft, tangy, and (often) a little spicy. But pickles aren’t the only watermelon rind…

  • Add This Not-so-Secret Ingredient to All Your Party Snacks

    Add This Not-so-Secret Ingredient to All Your Party Snacks

    I love ham and roasts and all of the potatoes and pies, but December is, to me, Snack Season. It’s the time for texturally pleasing, salty bites, and the more you have, the merrier you’ll be. In addition to salt, there are two flavours that turn a good snack into a great one: Umami and…