
  • How To Introduce Your Kid To Magic 

    How To Introduce Your Kid To Magic 

    How do you help kids learn social skills, gain persistence, and wow their friends at the school lunch tables? Magic. Specifically, teach them some magic tricks. But you can’t just hand them a Magic 101 guidebook and expect them to become young Houdinis — how you introduce the art makes a difference. Here are some…

  • Bring Your Own Toys To The Paediatrician’s Office

    Bring Your Own Toys To The Paediatrician’s Office

    It’s winter, the season of the never-ending cough. Every year, my kids get some kind of phlegmy hack that peaks after a few days and then gets… mostly better, except at night, when the hackathon reasserts itself. Eventually I get tired of this and head to the paediatrician.