
  • You Need to Pick the Best Cheese for Your Hike

    You Need to Pick the Best Cheese for Your Hike

    Cheese is perishable, but most people are far too precious with it. Yes, it contains dairy — or rather, it is dairy — and is prone to bacterial growth and spoilage if left out of the refrigerator for too long. But, depending on the cheese, that window is wide big enough to allow a little…

  • Bake Tiny Mozzarella Balls Into Everything

    Bake Tiny Mozzarella Balls Into Everything

    Few things are as visually appealing to me as a good cheese pull. Maximizing the cheese pull is a lofty goal — it’s what separates the great casseroles and baked pastas from the merely ok ones. Shredded cheeses work alright, but bocconcini (aka little balls of fresh mozzarella) are the key to longer, stronger, stretchier…

  • Make Next-Level Nachos by Melting Shredded Cheese in Queso

    Make Next-Level Nachos by Melting Shredded Cheese in Queso

    Usually, when one makes nachos (or cheese fries), there comes a point when you have to choose between a creamy, saucy queso and a gloriously stretchy cheese pull. Queso does not stretch like melted, shredded cheese, and shredded cheese has a tendency to grease out and solidify quite quickly — but, with their powers combined,…

  • Eat Your Crackers Upside Down

    Eat Your Crackers Upside Down

    I consider myself something of a “mindful eater.” For example: When eating Doritos, I always examine each side of the chip to make sure the more heavily seasoned side is facing downward, towards my tongue. This results in a more flavorful, satisfying Dorito-eating experience. The same principle can be applied to crackers.