
  • How to Make Easter Fun for Teenagers

    How to Make Easter Fun for Teenagers

    A child’s delight in hunting for Easter eggs (and consuming all the jelly beans stashed inside), dying eggs in vibrant colours, and digging through baskets full of chocolate bunnies may start to wane as they hit their pre-teen and teenager years. Your pastel plastic tablecloth with the flowers and bunnies is suddenly deeply uncool, and…

  • Do You Yell at Other People’s Unruly Kids?

    Do You Yell at Other People’s Unruly Kids?

    A few years I was present during a playdate between my son, my then-foster son, and another boy. This third boy took a toy away from my foster son and was refusing to give it back. Because the boy’s parents weren’t there, I eventually stepped in when it was clear he was picking on my…

  • Age 3 Is Actually The Best Age

    It is a common refrain among parents of young children that the Terrible Twos have nothing on age three. When they hit age three, we start calling them “threenagers,” a tip of the hat to their increasingly disgruntled disposition. But that word is nowhere near strong enough to depict what it’s actually like to have…