
  • Let Alexa Settle Your Kids’ Disputes 

    Let Alexa Settle Your Kids’ Disputes 

    As parents, you often hear about life’s great injustices: “While I was drawing, his elbow moved my hand so now my princess has a moustache!” “She moved eight spaces instead of seven! I saw it with my own eyes.” “He ate the last lolly even though I had written on the box, ‘Do not eat…

  • You Should Get Drunk And Cause A Scene Today

    You Should Get Drunk And Cause A Scene Today

    Are you avoiding your family right now? So desperate to escape them that you’re sitting in the bathroom reading a productivity blog on Christmas Day? Dreading the inevitable fight over politics or your lack of a plus-one or which kid hogged the university fund? Here’s your solution: Get drunk and cause a scene.

  • How To Argue With A Snopes Denier

    How To Argue With A Snopes Denier

    There was a time when Snopes was the most trusted mythbuster on the internet. Whatever dumb or funny or shocking thing you were laughing at, if somebody posted a Snopes link, the laughing stopped. You’d been had. Thanks, Snopes.