
  • How to Stop Being an Overachiever at Work (and Why You Should)

    How to Stop Being an Overachiever at Work (and Why You Should)

    So you consider yourself the opposite of a quiet quitter (which is a major misnomer, if you haven’t heard). Instead, you’re an overachiever — always striving to accomplish more and more. As we’ve said before, the stress that comes from overworking yourself can backfire, actually hurting your ability to do your job right. Even if…

  • 7 Fidget Rings That Will Help Ease Your Anxiety

    7 Fidget Rings That Will Help Ease Your Anxiety

    We’re not really sure how they did it, but TikTok’s algorithm has correctly pinned us as the anxious type, and we can’t really argue with it. So TikTok, as the one true entity that really knows us, has also demonstrated that we might be able to soothe some of these nervous habits through the use…

  • 5 Weighted Blankets to Help Ease Your Anxiety and Send You off to Sleep

    5 Weighted Blankets to Help Ease Your Anxiety and Send You off to Sleep

    If you’re someone who is willing to do just about anything for a good night’s sleep (read: us), weighted blankets should definitely be on your radar, especially now that it’s getting colder and wetter as this gruellingly chilly winter goes on. While experts are still debating over the overall effectiveness of these blankets when it…