
Everything you need to know to improve your health, fitness and well-being, one hack at a time.

  • Why Nasal Irrigation May Help With a COVID Infection

    Why Nasal Irrigation May Help With a COVID Infection

    In a recent study, twice daily nasal irrigation was found to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. Although the study in question had some pretty major flaws — including a small sample size and the lack of a proper control group — the researchers “are probably on the right track,” said Mas Takashima, an ENT…

  • How to Ease Back Into Running This Spring Without Getting Injured

    How to Ease Back Into Running This Spring Without Getting Injured

    When spring sunshine and warmer temperatures begin to tempt us, the roads and trails beckon. After struggling mentally and physically to get our training in during the winter, conditions are now more conducive to longer kilometres and harder training. But if you rush into training too quickly, you may find yourself derailed by injury. And…

  • How Often Do You Really Need to Wash Your Hair?

    How Often Do You Really Need to Wash Your Hair?

    For a while there during the pandemic, TikTok hair gurus were recommending the “no ‘poo” movement, encouraging followers to go without washing for as long as possible to reset the natural balance of oils on their scalp or something like that. (That’s not how it works; hair oils are controlled by hormones, not outside factors.)…