
Chris Jager is the former editor of Lifehacker Australia. He is now the Senior Reviews Editor at Finder. He has been a full-time tech journalist for 10 years with stints across Business IT, IT News, Good Gear Guide and PC & Tech Authority. A former high school History and English teacher, he specialises in computing, home entertainment, gaming, video production and globsters. Chris’ interest in tech began at the age of four via the rubbery keys of a ZX Spectrum. When he’s not fiddling around with various gadgets his hands are kept full by his rapidly expanding family of squalling children (three at last count!).
  • Keto Warning: Stop Gorging On Bacon And Butter

    The keto diet limit’s a person’s carbohydrate intake to about 5% of daily calories. Dieters load up on anywhere from 70-90% fats. Keto dieters can gorge on all kinds of fat, both saturated and unsaturated. However, there’s evidence that diets high in animal fats are really bad for people, and for the planet, too.

  • Rapid Review: Jaybird Vistas Are Genuine AirPod Killers

    Jaybird has been making fantastic, fitness focused headphones since 2007. The company has released a few “truly wireless” headphones in the last few years, but like so many in the market, the buds themselves and the charging case they came in were too bulky to really compete with Apple’s market leading AirPods. With the new…

  • How To Help The Amazon’s Burning Rain Forests

    There’s currently a man-made fire raging through the Amazon rain forest – and it’s burning down trees at the fastest rate ever recorded. The smoke is reaching cities thousands of miles away with no end to the destruction in sight. Here’s what ordinary people can do to help.