Turn Any City Map Into A Cool Illustration Of Roads

The aptly named City Roads project is simple: Just go to the site, enter the name of your city, and software creates a map that exclusively shows roads. With no text or topography at all, the results are really quite beautiful.

Check out City Roads today if you’re looking to kill a few minutes. I was turned on to it this morning by Mike McPhate’s California Sun newsletter, which is a daily California-centric news aggregation email that’s also free and quite good.

McPhate reports that City Roads is the brainchild of software engineer Andrei Kashcha, but did not get into the engineering aspect of how the site works. Neither will I. The source code is public if you’re into that kind of thing.

If you find these maps as pretty and interesting as I do, City Roads gives you the option to download them as a vector or raster image. That gives you a much nicer copy to keep than a simple screenshot. I think I’m going to see about printing the Los Angeles one in a fun colour. If I do that, I’ll send Mr. Kashcha a few bucks.

[referenced url=”https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2019/12/how-to-find-a-compatible-electric-car-charging-station-using-google-maps/” thumb=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_ku-large/ovceqbx63cwleygwcrh3.jpg” title=”How To Find A Compatible Electric Car Charging Station Using Google Maps” excerpt=”Electric cars might be the way of the future, but the variations in charging plugs across different brands and models make finding a compatible electric vehicle (EV) charging station a lot more difficult than simply pulling up to a gas station. Thankfully, Google Maps on Android now has an “Electric vehicle settings” menu that will make finding EV charging ports that work with your car less of a headache.”]

This article was originally published on Jalopnik.


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